Society is rewarding behaviours that cause destructive stress - but you don't have to play along! In today's LIVE Stream, I'll share ideas to lower bad stress, which will ultimately make you happier…
Preconceived notions about people and circumstances may be sabotaging your potential. Today I'm going to share several stories about how making assumptions have caused destructive stress for clients, friends and, unfortunately, me (well,…
Ever want to step into business, but don't want to leave your cushy job to do it? Why not do both? Please Note: the special time of this live stream is April 6th…
If your to-do list is weighed down by all the things you said you would do, but you don't actually want to do them - how can you enjoy your work? It's one…
In today's LIVE, we'll explore maintaining your daily resilience and optimism when it feels like life's punches won't stop. If your plate is full with one challenge after another - then this is…
It's easy to feel discouraged when goals aren't coming to fruition. In this episode, I'll share my sure-fire ways to get motivated and keep going even when it feels like the odds are…
I think people need to be posting more on social media as a general rule. However, there are times when you just don’t know what to share. In this video, I share five…
Don’t you just love seeing your to-do list all checked off, and having time to do the things you actually want to do? This is the bliss of time freedom. Time freedom is…
Do you ever feel like stress is killing you? Surely, we’ve all been in that state. But here’s the secret–you don’t need to be stressed! A lot of the stress that makes us…
Okay, so if you are feeling overwhelmed by your never ending to do list, I'm gonna encourage you to adopt my philosophy – which is different – a task circle. If we want…
Life is hard. But it doesn’t have to be. If you want to make your life even a little bit easier, here’s a way to change your perspective on tackling the problems you…
Looking at our long, daily to-do lists can be very overwhelming. We see all of these different tasks we need to get done. However, with this kind of big to-do list, it is…
We have all found ourselves in a rut one way or another. There are moments when we feel like the situation we’re in is everybody else’s fault. This type of thinking is called…
Challenges, obstacles, and adversities are part of the human journey. We all face them from time-to-time. Sometimes, they can make us feel defeated, depressed, and unproductive. But, we always have a choice on…
In this fast-paced world we now live in, distractions are found almost anywhere we look. First culprit – our devices through email and social media notifications. It’s easy to get distracted and go…
How do you overcome perfectionism as you work toward reaching your stretch goals? Most of the time, people hide under the blanket of perfectionism as an excuse to be unproductive. Perfectionism becomes the…
Does it feel like you can’t handle one more thing on your plate? You're not alone! It can be hard to keep coping when there is so much uncertainty in the world. Regardless…
Having trouble getting focused and productive time while working from home? It can be tough. I've had a lot of practice with my first professional #WFH gig in 2003. There is a lot…
The mental health impact of temporarily having our freedom restricted to come and go as we please, doesn't mean we lost our freedom to do, be and believe.
We are collectively grieving life as we knew it. The grief process is expressed differently for everyone, but there is no escaping the five stages of grief which are denial, anger, bargaining, depression…
During the #COVID19 pandemic, self-isolation may be the right decision for you and your family, but it’s easier said than done. Isolation, whether self-chosen or imposed by government, carries risks to your mental…
I once heard worry described as a down payment on a problem you may never have.By definition, worry is tormenting yourself with disturbing thoughts. If you’re a worrier, you get it. I don’t…
Have you ever had the kind of day where it feels like nothing can go right? By the time you arrive at work you’re feeling “off”. You may even announce “Today’s going to be…
There’s always that one person. The person who gets under your skin. The two of you just clash. Which, under normal circumstances, doesn’t matter. You could just ignore each other and go on…
(A message for corporate professionals who love corporate speak.)It’s a thing. For a long time now, in the corporate world and in the personal development space we like to avoid the word problem…
For many the holiday season is a joyful time of year - whereas for others, it's the time of year most associated with extra stress. There are more events to attend, more tasks…
Earlier this summer, someone told me that when she gets to her cottage it’s like a huge exhale. Everything shifts. At the time, I posed the question, “How do you achieve that exhale…
Whether you’re a diehard Raptors fan or a hop-on-the-Jurassic-Park-bandwagon-for-the-playoffs fan like I am, this team’s example of resilience mastery – and fouls – is insightful for us on the sidelines.
@AllisonDGraham on why you SHOULD quit! Why it's OK to quit. Sure you've heard the phrase "Never Give Up". Sometimes advice to NOT quit is the worst advice you can get! Here's why.…
If you want to like yourself more or live an easier life, start choosing better words to describe you and the circumstances around you. This episode of the Resiliency Ninja podcast will have…
Do you live with chronic pain like nerve pain, fibromyalgia or ongoing low back pain? So do I. Here are some ideas to live a full, joyful and successful life anyway.
Here are 3 ways to support other women in the workplace on International Women’s Day and beyond. Listen to this episode of Resiliency Ninja with Allison Graham podcast.
During my 2-week podcast hiatus, in addition to speaking to audiences and a trip, I spent a day on the Habitat for Humanity Build site with some friends.
This Christmas season does not have to be completely stressful. On today’s episode, I share the Resiliency Ninja approach to six weeks of hustle and bustle.
Resilience is key to avoiding burnout and finding happiness. A lack of resilience is not your fault; society has set us up with unrealistic expectations.
You may feel helpless watching someone go through a hard time. While it's up to them to find their own resilience, here are some ideas on how to be supportive.
Separating your challenges into three categories: stress, obstacles and adversity, and using the right tools for each category is the answer to being more resilient and less stressed out.
Allison Graham discusses understanding where you are on the Resiliency Dial and how it is critical from both a personal development and a leadership perspective.
Today’s episode of Resiliency Ninja Podcast + Vlog summarizes key takeaways from the VIP Archangel Speakers in the VIP day on the Package Your Wisdom Track.
TRUST is a critical factor in your business success. In this episode, I cover the 4 moments that significantly influence trust in a business relationship.