Unlocking the Mind of a Futurist: How Nikolas Badminton Helps Us Prepare For What’s Ahead

This isn’t a book I would typically read.

In fact, if it wasn’t for me knowing Nikolas Badminton I never would have ordered it – but – wow, am I ever glad I have my copy.

My mind is expanded.

So many times I read books that reiterate what I already know in different ways – this actually stretched my thinking.

Nik is considered among the best futurist speakers on the market! This book gives a glimpse into the brain of a futurist and shares models that bring structure to thinking that will help all of us – especially leaders – prepare for the future in a meaningful way.

No wonder he’s the CTV News chosen Futurist!

Check him out here: NikolasBadminton.com

Get the Book: Facing Our Futures here

#leadership #future #bestsellingbook

Allison Graham headshot smiling leaning against a grey wall, blue cardigan and white top

Welcome! I'm Allison Graham

Let’s face it – life is tough enough without having behaviour patterns that make life harder than it needs to be! 

That’s why I’m obsessed with finding ways to make the human experience easier by offering strategies for problem solving, dealing with chronic pain, leveraging empowering stress, and stopping patterns that create destructive stress. 

I hope you find huge value in my content. To go deeper please check out my online courses, coaching, and keynote speeches