Your Satisfying Wins are on the other Side of Your Frustrations. Trust Yourself. Don’t Give Up!

(June 5th, 2024 Lift Up Email)

In the background I am working on something big related to my content.

It’s why I didn’t send a Lift Up yesterday as I intended. (Actually, I wrote you a different email, but it’s staying on my hard drive for now.)  

It’s why I haven’t been posting on social media as much lately.

It’s why I haven’t been actively focused on sales.

In my industry, the most successful thought leaders have that one thing that opens the door for people to go deeper with their methodology.  

For Mel Robbins, it’s the 5 Second Rule.

For Marie Forleo, it’s Everything is Figure-out-able.

For Grant Cardone, it’s 10X.

I’ve been frustrated for a long time trying to find that one piece of insight that’s been missing in my frameworks.

LAST NIGHT – I believe I found it.

Actually, it wasn’t lost – it’s always been there. It just wasn’t clear to me that that little tip is actually the gateway to understanding my bigger program.

I’m not ready to share it with you yet, but by inviting me into your inbox (thank you!) you’re in the right place to be the first to know.

The funny thing is, it’s so simple.

I believe it’s going to crack open the all-consuming puzzle of how to begin to delete destructive stress from our workplace.

While I’m not sharing the one thing with you yet, there is a reason I’m sharing this win with you in today’s email.

Here’s why:

First, as you can likely tell, I’m excited.

I believe I know the exact first step you need to take in order to take control of your stress and lead others to do the same. And, it’s so simple that ANYONE can do it.

At first glance, you won’t know how powerful this step is, but once you try it, you will totally get it.

Second, is to remind you to TRUST YOURSELF.

I don’t want to be a downer, but let’s face it: there are a lot of external factors in life that you can’t trust.

Among them are people meeting your expectations or showing up in a better way for your relationship.

You can’t trust the marketplace to stay steady or how long it takes for other people to follow through on their promises.

It’s easy to get caught up in all of the frustrations of other people’s actions.  

But there are many aspects of life that you CAN TRUST!  

TRUST the creative process.

TRUST the timing as the universe unfolds.

TRUST that you you are wise.

TRUST that if you keep going in the right direction that eventually things will click.

Often what frustrates us today makes sense to us tomorrow.

If you have a goal – actually let’s think BIGGER – if you have a DREAM to do something important and make a positive impact professionally and personally, KEEP GOING.

Don’t give up.

You’ve got this…

through tough days.

through frustrating obstacles.

through heartbreaking adversities.

… you’ve got this.  

Today, someone in your life feels like they need to give up – maybe it’s you.

If you want to rekindle a faded spark inside of you that makes you want to quit your job, or stop working towards something important because it feels too hard, remind someone else to keep going and trust themselves.

Funny when you inspire others, that inspiration generally boomerangs back to you.

Allison “Trust the Timing” Graham

P.S. Do you have any guesses of what my gateway one thing is?

P.S.S. If you don’t need a gateway catchy one thing and are ready to dive into something bigger that will shake up your relationship with stress and turn daily frustrations into satisfying wins – then reply to this email and let’s chat about next steps!

Allison Graham headshot smiling leaning against a grey wall, blue cardigan and white top

Welcome! I'm Allison Graham

Let’s face it – life is tough enough without having behaviour patterns that make life harder than it needs to be! 

That’s why I’m obsessed with finding ways to make the human experience easier by offering strategies for problem solving, dealing with chronic pain, leveraging empowering stress, and stopping patterns that create destructive stress. 

I hope you find huge value in my content. To go deeper please check out my online courses, coaching, and keynote speeches