Elevate performance and productivity without sacrificing mental and emotional well-being.

Refreshing solutions for you and your team to destress your success and supercharge your resilience so you can do your best work, while under constant pressure!

"Allison Graham is a massive boost of fresh oxygen
from the stage that we all need right now."

Richard Ruppell Regional Director, Canadian Association Sales Fairmont Hotels and Resorts

"Allison Graham challenged us to think differently, be curious and to ask the right questions so that as leaders and managers we can help our staff be more aware of the real problems and point the way toward solving problems faster."

Glen B Davies, Hon. B.A., M.A.

C.A.O., Town of Gravenhurst, Ontario

Select Clients

New speech!

The Human Side of AI: Embrace the Pressure and Excel in the Future of Work

Moving beyond the tech conversation to prepare your audience to do their best work in a time of uncertainty and rapid change. 


In an era where artificial intelligence is rapidly transforming the way we work and live, resilience is more critical than ever.

Embracing change and being open to new technologies are two of the most challenging skills for companies long before AI gained mainstream momentum. 

In this speech, resilience expert Allison Graham will share insights on how to navigate ongoing change, avoid frustrations, and choose a compassionately curious approach to excelling in the era of AI and prepare yourself for the future of work!


  1. What it takes to be resilient and embrace change even when the rate of change is so fast it feels impossible to stay caught up. 

  2. How to use the skill of empowering stress to discover the most effective, productive way to leverage AI. 

  3. The three elements that intensify the experience of adopting new technologies and how destress the stress.

Book Allison for this Speech

speech option 2

Make Stress Your Superpower!

embrace the pressure To Do Your Best Work Without Burning Out


Discover how to leverage stress as a strategy to do your best work and be happier while you're doing it.

The constant pressure of today's workplace means challenges, change and external stressors are inevitable. What’s not inevitable is feeling burned out, frustrated and exhausted at the end of each workday. It is possible to unlock more capacity for key priorities and to do what you do, just without the typical angst.

In this session, workplace-resilience expert Allison Graham will share her simple strategies to increase focus and gain a sense of control during intense crunch times. 


  1. What it takes to move from living a life that feels constantly stressful to being inspired and productive to do your best work – and still have bandwidth left to take guilt-free time off to refresh.

  2. The elements of good, empowering stress that can increase productivity and performance and how you can integrate this throughout the workday to maximize efficiencies and performance.

  3. The three elements that intensify issues and how to performance zone and how to neutralize them so that they don’t disrupt performance and problem-solving objectivity.

Book Allison for this Speech

"Allison’s keynotes offered inspiration and results that lasted long after her speech was done. For example, one of the many stories of impact included, after hearing Allison speak, a leader on my team self-identified as being caught in the victim trap, recognized her tendency to complain too much, took responsibility for her negative contribution to team dynamics and committed to practicing Allison’s formula."

Sébastien Fauvel, MBA,
Hiring, Onboarding & Engagement
BMO Financial Group

speech option 3

Burning Out?  Don’t Quit. Reignite Your Spark Instead!

A fresh approach to uncover hidden capacity in your days, so that you can do more in less time and get excited about work again. 


As a professional, you face intense pressure every day. When you constantly have too much on your plate, it may feel like escaping the daily grind by quitting is the only option. There is a better way to deal with the tough stuff and unending workload that can cause unnecessary destructive stress, steal your daily capacity, and make you feel unhappier than you want to be.

In this session, workplace resilience expert Allison Graham will share fresh strategies to shift your perspective of all that’s happening around you, so that you can stop feeling like you’re spinning in society’s destructive-stress cycle and maximize productivity and bottom-line results.


  1. Strategies to feel better and still maintain the high intensity work that you love by shifting your relationship with stress and resilience rather than quitting!

  2. A clear path to minimize destructive stress so that the day’s activities do not steal so much of your available resources.

  3. A strategy to address different challenges that arise each day in a way that gives you a sense of control even in times that are clearly out of your control.

Book Allison for this Speech

"Allison was a breath of fresh air and a kick start after a long and strange, forced social hibernation. She helped our professional women’s group create an event that perfectly balanced education and inspiration!

Allison is an engaging, authentic and insightful speaker. Everyone in the room was energized and motivated to implement her strategies and keep the momentum going long after the event. We all can’t wait to work with Allison again!"

Sabrina Lombardi, Partner
McKenzie Lake Lawyers LLP

speech option 4

The Future of Work: Inspire a Resilient Workforce that Thrives Under Pressure

A fresh approach for leaders to empower themselves and their team to overcome obstacles in a time of AI and economic uncertainty  


We’re working in a time of unprecedented, rapid change. Just as you and your team adjust to one issue, shifting needs or the marketplace dictate the need for another. Without a strategy to address this pace, even the most accomplished, optimistic teams can get discouraged given the uncertainty of AI and the economy.  

That's why, this session is critical for leaders who are looking to make a material impact on team dynamics before burnout is prevalent. 

This program addresses the different ways people react to challenges and provides a simple framework to inspire everyone on the team to be masters of resilience!


  1. How to identify their own and their team members resilience style and natural response to challenges and simple tools to maximize resilience.

  2. Fresh insights into how overloaded calendars and being too busy negatively impacts problem solving and relationship dynamics. 

  3. Simple, fast-acting tools to empower team members to complain less, do more and be more innovative when solving problems.

Book Allison for this Speech

"Allison is a dynamic speaker who provides practical advice. Feedback from the Loyalty One / Air Miles Leadership event was extremely positive and associates put newfound skills to work!

Allison is the ultimate professional."

Debbie Baxter
Air Miles | Loyalty One