Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill Book Review & Insights

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill was a book that I kept on putting off reading until it showed up next on Tom Bileue’s Book Reading List which I am currently following. So, I finally picked up the book – and I’m glad I did cause the book is powerful.

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In a nutshell, Think and Grow Rich talks about how our minds have the power to create our ideal reality – hence, wealth. An intangible impulse of thought can be transmuted to the physical. So, if you want to achieve something, how you think about achieve that thing is incredibility critical. If there’s one thing that you have absolute control over, it is your thoughts.

Insight #1: Turn your desire into obsession

When you desire to have something – may it be money, a project, or a business idea, you have to make it your obsession. Do everything in your power, learn everything there is to learn, on how to achieve this desire. When you’re obsessed, you won’t give up because you’ll be so committed to the purpose.

Insight #2: Reinforce your identity

Who you are – your identity – must be ready for the thing you want to happen. You have to program yourself that you’re ready to accept having what it is that you desire. That includes tuning out all the negative thoughts that can potentially block energy and opportunities for you to achieve your desire. One thing that can help override thoughts that are not setting you up for your ultimate and full wealth (or desire) are affirmations.

Insight #3: Opportunity

When we want something, there are true opportunities that will be presented to you. It’s up to you to grab onto those opportunities and take action immediately.

Purpose-based individuals who are in the journey of personal and professional development, putting pieces of the puzzle in place happens when you’re detached from money. Money comes faster when you’re not obsessed with money, but with your purpose.

Insight #4: Organized Planning 

You also have to be realistic – is the desire attainable? Figuring out the path to get to your goal or desire is not quite easy but crucial. Organized planning plus persistence to make it work and continue on the journey makes success inevitable.

Insight #5: Weekly Mastermind

The Weekly Mastermind is a technique shared by Napoleon Hill where we tap our inner wisdom and intuition. When you are at peace and in flow, you can access the collective wisdom by pulling the people from history (or those still alive) and put them into you mental mastermind meeting as imaginary friends. It could be a little uncomfortable at first, but you’ll be amazed by how helpful it actually is.

Mental Discipline is At the Core of Success

We have to build self discipline – a mental discipline around how our thoughts are brewing, what we allow to get out of control, what we allow to fester, what we allow to be our point of focus. If there’s one thing that are absolutely within our control, it is our thoughts. And our thoughts are very, very powerful and influential with the things we desire to achieve.

If you want to grow your influence if you want to grow your wealth, I think this is an incredibly powerful book.

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Welcome! I'm Allison Graham

Let’s face it – life is tough enough without having behaviour patterns that make life harder than it needs to be! 

That’s why I’m obsessed with finding ways to make the human experience easier by offering strategies for problem solving, dealing with chronic pain, leveraging empowering stress, and stopping patterns that create destructive stress. 

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